This blog is about LOVE, Share Love Stories,Happiness,Sadness of LOVE, Love Articles, Love Tips, Love Calculate, Love horoscope, All About LOVE...Before you read this post, you are 18+ years old yet? Do you know the definition of love? What is the true love? What advantages and disadvantages to have a love? Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet? Do they care you? How much you love your boyfriend? How much you love your girlfriend? Are you going to get married after you find your true love? After your marriage, how many children are you going to have? Do your family living with a happiness? Please answer these questions and share share with us here...
What is Love?Do You Love Yourself?
With this question, I also used to ask myself and there were ready many people asked themselves. This question should be asked yourself before you love someone.

Have you ever looked into the mirror face to face and tell yourself, “You are a great person, You are talented one, You're really wonderful! I like you, I love you!” Actually, "Yes", when you really love yourself, you will absolutely have this feeling of your confidence that brings out with a very radiance in you.
When you yourself are happy, people around you will naturally feel happy when they are being with you. But when you hate yourself, you will feel afraid of yourself looking into the mirror, or you may curse yourself or give bad word to yourself when you did something wrong or you dislike yourself. This feeling have happened on lots of people, even me!
One more thing, have you ever had any love relationship? Have you ever had feeling insecurity over your love relationship? Have you ever thought about how long your relationship will last? Feeling suspicious or doubting in any way with your partner, it might not exactly always be your fault but I can say, this is the beginning of a very unstable or unhealthy relationship. In the long way to go, your love relationship may lead to an end. So, to have a stable love relationship, you must know yourself clearly so that you can know your partner clearly too, in order to avoid from being in doubt or suspicion with your partner.
The important thing you should remember, trust between partners is one of the key criteria to a happy and fulfilling relationship. Without it, an ever-lasting relationship would never be possible. Or, we can say in another way that, before we can build up this mutual trust, that is a very important thing you must achieve and that is, to trust yourself! In considering that, If you don’t even trust yourself, how can you trust others? Or, If you can not trust yourself, how others can trust you?
On the other hand, you must believe in yourself, believing that there is a very special thing that you have within yourself. Believing that what you have within yourself that make you well liked by friends and family or other people living around you. Everybody is unique in his or her very own way. That can only be one you and no more else in this world. Your friends and family like you for who you are. Your love, loves you for who you are. So when everyone genuine likes you, how can you yourself, don’t like yourself as who you are? Doubting your very own self? I don’t suppose you wanna lose your friends and that special someone whom you truly love?
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