Thursday, 13 January 2011

What is The True Meaning of Love?

This blog is about LOVE, Share Love Stories,Happiness,Sadness of LOVE, Love Articles, Love Tips, Love Calculate, Love horoscope, All About LOVE...Before you read this post, you are 18+ years old yet? Do you know the definition of love? What is the true love? What advantages and disadvantages to have a love? Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet? Do they care you? How much you love your boyfriend? How much you love your girlfriend? Are you going to get married after you find your true love? After your marriage, how many children are you going to have? Do your family living with a happiness? Please answer these questions and share share with us here...
The True meaning of love:

Let's separate the words unconditional love and look at them individually. First, what do we mean by the word love?

The True Meaning of LoveThe True Meaning of Love

Many of us have thought we understood the meaning of unconditional love, yet perhaps we should again consider what it really means. Is unconditional love a feeling, something like affection or romance?

Is it sexual desire? Is it an expression toward another? What does it mean to unconditionally love another? What does it mean to unconditionally love ourselves?

Often we define love as a physical response to either external or internal stimuli.
For instance, when we look at another person whom we love, we may get a sense of inner happiness that translates into a melting feeling in our bodies.

Love can also be defined in a more superfincial way, with a descriptive meaning.
We may use the word casually as an expression, without feeling or truely understanding its essence.

Let's look now at love as being something more than just an internal feeling or an external description.

Love, like all our other doorway concepts, is a thought within. The thought of love has an energy to it. The energy comes from the culmination of all our experiences and memories of love.

The physical and emotional experiences provide part of the backdrop of what we know as love. And yet ther is more. Becasue love is a thought and our thoughts have energy, love is also power: Internal Power.

Love is a sense of peace within. Love is joy and happiness deep inside. Love is an expression of kindness and compassion.

Love understands. Love comforts, supports, and cares for. Love forgives. Love also honors, respects, and believes.

Love is patient. Love does not judge or show hate. Love does not fear or doubt, love trusts. Love is not aggression, spite, or terror. Love is not blame or guilt.

Love is so much more than just a word.It is a way of being-- it is a thought.

To be unconditional is to have no strings attached, no expectations, no stipulations.
If we bring out two words together, we may say that unconditional love is an unlimited way of being.

We are without limit in our thinking and our expression of thought. If we can imagine it, we can build it. Life through love is, therefore, an unlimited experience.

Quote written by Harold W Becker
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